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J-Scholar Programs

The Exchange Visitor (J) non-immigrant visa category is for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs. The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program encompasses a number of distinct and different categories, which have somewhat differing regulations.  The J scholar categories most prevalent to Embry Riddle are:


Research Scholar/Professor

This J-1 Exchange Visitor category has a minimum stay of three weeks, and a maximum continuous stay of 5 years. The five year maximum stay for a J-1 research scholar/professor. The five year "clock" begins with the start date on the Form DS-2019 and this status remains available until the end of five years from that date or the date the J-1 program is concluded, whichever is earlier. At ERAU, the initial DS-2019 will be issued for the duration of the academic appointment and can be extended up to a maximum of five years. However, when the program at ERAU is completed so is the J-1 status unless the scholar transfers immediately to another J-1 sponsor.

Paid employment for J-1 research scholars or professors is permitted only if it is described on the Form DS-2019 issued to the J-1 visa holder. In most cases, it is not possible for a J-1 visa holder to accept paid employment outside of Embry-Riddle. However, there is a provision which allows for occasional lectures, if the permission is requested and granted by ISSS before the event. Please contact an advisor in ISSS for details.

Short-Term Scholar

The J-1 Short Term Scholar category can be used when the academic objective for the visit can be completed within six (6) months or less. This J category is often used for lectures, observations, consultations, or to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences or professional meetings. The J-1 Short Term Scholar category is designed for academics who reside outside the U.S. and will from time-to-time be invited for short visits. The J-1 Short Term Scholar may return to the U.S. again for a new Short Term Scholar stay providing there is a substantial break in between and each visit constitutes a new objective. Another advantage of using the Short Term Scholar J-1 category is that the visitor may also return to the U.S. for a longer term stay using the J-1 Research Scholar/Professor category without being subject to the 12 and 24 month-bars.


Specialists, for J-1 purposes, are defined as individuals who are experts in a field of specialized knowledge or skill coming to the U.S. for observing, consulting or demonstrating their special skills. A specialist may not fill a permanent or long-term position of employment while in the U.S. This category is not intended for experts covered by the research scholar, professor, short-term scholar or foreign physician in graduate medical education or training categories. The maximum period of stay is one year.

Scholar Application Process


The J-1 Student Intern category is available to foreign students currently enrolled in and pursuing a degree at a postsecondary academic institution outside the United States, who want to undertake an internship in the United States in order to fulfill the educational objectives of their current degree programs at their home institutions. Internships must be full-time (at least 32 hours per week) and may not be more than 12 consecutive months in duration.

ERAU sponsors International students for internships provided they meet all eligibility criteria listed below. Prospective student interns are responsible for contacting ERAU faculty members to establish internship opportunities. Host faculty are responsible for providing learning opportunities, supervision, and guidance to students sponsored for internships in their departments. Host departments are also responsible for completing any ERAU administrative procedures. Student interns are responsible for all arrangements for travel, housing, insurance, and other living expenses, unless otherwise provided for by their host department.

The purpose of the J-1 Student Intern program is to promote international exchange. Internships must be structured as meaningful work-based learning opportunities for student interns' academic and professional development by exposing interns to American techniques, methodologies, and technology. Student interns must be committed to returning to their degree programs in their home countries upon completion of the internship.

Intern Application Process

Exchange Students

Exchange Students are students who have applied to ERAU through one of our Exchange Partner Universities and have been formally nominated by their home university to study as an exchange student at ERAU. 

Exchange Student Application Process